Taurukh Annointed CG
Most 3D models come without a base (except those with a scenic). You can download the bases you need for FREE in our section of BASES.
This models are compatible with the 9th Age rulebooks.
This is a 3D DIGITAL MODEL, so you will ONLY receive (by download) the files needed for printing, never the physical model.
If you want to sell the prints (never the files) of these models you need to select or change (if you already have the Tier Provider) to Patreon's Tier: Provider Patreon & STORE
The PRE-SUPPORT option IS NOT AVAILABLE on all models. If you are looking for this option, make sure you select it if it is available (a supplement will be applied).
The corresponding EU VAT for virtual items is applied to this item.
To find out more about the refund policy please read our "TERMS ANS CONDITIONS".
All our models are covered by our LICENSE FOR ONLINE STORE DIGITAL FILES.